Louisa C., Washington, DC, USA

I was burned out trying to follow traditional advice for job seekers in my general age group, most of which directed me to build a personal brand, list my marketable skills, and generally try to mold myself to what employers supposedly wanted to see. For years I was struggling with the sense that my work history was disjointed, a poor fit for the career I wanted to pursue and the organizations I wanted to work for. Anastasia disrupted my habitual self-doubt and helped me recognize the inherent value in my nontraditional career path. She pushed me to re-frame my job search in narrative terms, uncovering compelling stories I could tell in my resume and cover letters about my strengths and values. She also taught me how to approach employers, dropping the sales pitch angle of "what I can do for your business" in favor of the vulnerable approach of "why I love your organization". I don't feel drained applying for jobs anymore- instead I feel like I'm owning my next career move.