Messaging Failure: How to Quantify Achievements On Your Resume When You Don't Think You Have Any

Messaging Failure: How to Quantify Achievements On Your Resume When You Don't Think You Have Any

A reader email asks how to quantify achievements and accomplishments in a resume when the company he worked for failed and he's embarrassed about it. But he forgets one thing: failure is a necessary and intrinsic component of success. Recovering from failure demonstrates grit, and it’s precisely what hiring managers screen for in candidates. Developing and positioning a failure narrative is more interesting to hiring managers than a long list of successes, as long as you can prove you learned.

A Missive For Those Dark and Soul-Crushing Moments When You're Certain You Suck at Your Job and Will Never Amount to Anything

A Missive For Those Dark and Soul-Crushing Moments When You're Certain You Suck at Your Job and Will Never Amount to Anything

In today's read, I draw on a Missouri governor and Navy SEAL, a knight of King Arthur's round table, a stonecutter, an Italian economist named Wilfredo Pareto, and the Apostle Matthew to convince you that you don't suck at your job. You just don't care about it that much.

If you hate everything and suspect you might be good at nothing, this one's for you.


I Take Up Space

I Take Up Space

Do you feel boxed in at work, in a role too small for you, performing tasks that confine your potential to a lesser space? I wrote this as a manifesto about breaking patterns of chasing emotionally unavailable partners. While this is primarily about our personal lives, it is also about acknowledging and honoring our needs in all aspects of our lives, and taking the power to demand exactly as much as we need.